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We’ve hit the brakes on our premium increase!

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We’ve hit the brakes on our premium increase!
At Transport Health, our members always come first.

We know the past few years have been tough for hardworking Aussies.

That’s why we’re deferring our planned 1 April premium increase until 1 September.

It’s all part of being there for you when you need us the most and standing with you through the hard times.

Everyday costs are on the rise – home loan interests rates, household bills and feeding the family is stretching budgets to their limit.

We’re doing everything we can to keep the costs of your health cover as low as we can.

And, we want you to know that we’re planning to extend our deferral for as long as possible.

We’ll be in touch with our members to let them know everything they need to know as soon as we can.

In the meantime, we’ve put together the answers to a couple of questions we think you’ll appreciate.

Remember, we’re with you every step of the way. If you’d like to know more, or just even have a question about your cover or your membership you can always give us a call on 1300 806 808 or send an email to enquiries@transporthealth.com.au We’ll be happy to help!


I’ve seen in the media that HCF are delaying their premium increase. Does that apply to me as an Transport Health member?

We’re pleased to let you know it does! Transport Health will also be delaying our planned premium increase (which usually takes place on 1 April each year) until 1 September. This is all part of our commitment to supporting our members when they need it most. We know cost of living pressures are impacting Aussie households, so we’re doing our bit to support you.


I’ve seen that the premium increase has been delayed until ‘later in the year’. When will that be?

Yes, we're pleased to let you know we’ll be delaying our planned premium increase until 1 September. We’re currently looking at a new date for increases to be implemented, but we’re hopeful of extending this for as long as we possibly can.


Why do you need to increase premiums anyway?

We don’t want to increase premiums at all and we’re always looking for ways to provide greater value for our members. Costs associated with healthcare keep rising and we need to continue to be able to provide these at scale to our growing membership. At this time, we’re able to balance some objectives to deliver a delay in the 2023 premium increase for Transport Health members.

